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2021-Park-AL-Cast-Vote-Record (Minneapolis; 2021-11-02)

🔗 2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Park-AL-Cast-Vote-Record     (tags: { Minneapolis_MN , 2021 , from-bolson , 2021-11 , MN , Minneapolis-2021 )

Below is the ABIF from the "2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Park-AL-Cast-Vote-Record" election (2021-Park-AL-Cast-Vote-Record (Minneapolis; 2021-11-02))

ABIF submission area (show)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



Below are various abiftool output blocks for the ABIF above.

Pairwise diagram

2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Park-AL-Cast-Vote-Record pairwise diagram permalink:

%3 Meg Forney Meg Forney 7-0-0 (7 wins, 0 losses, 0 ties) Tom Olsen Tom Olsen 6-1-0 Meg Forney->Tom Olsen ← Meg Forney: 47824 Tom Olsen: 31145 Alicia D. Smith Alicia D. Smith 5-2-0 Meg Forney->Alicia D. Smith ← Meg Forney: 46899 Alicia D. Smith: 29108 Mary McKelvey Mary McKelvey 4-3-0 Meg Forney->Mary McKelvey ← Meg Forney: 45525 Mary McKelvey: 22769 Londel French Londel French 3-4-0 Meg Forney->Londel French ← Meg Forney: 50086 Londel French: 23469 Charles Rucker Charles Rucker 2-5-0 Meg Forney->Charles Rucker ← Meg Forney: 49679 Charles Rucker: 17595 Katherine Kelly Katherine Kelly 1-6-0 Meg Forney->Katherine Kelly ← Meg Forney: 49948 Katherine Kelly: 14802 UWI UWI 0-7-0 Meg Forney->UWI ← Meg Forney: 53405 UWI: 894 Tom Olsen->Alicia D. Smith ← Tom Olsen: 32832 Alicia D. Smith: 30769 Tom Olsen->Mary McKelvey ← Tom Olsen: 33728 Mary McKelvey: 32215 Tom Olsen->Londel French ← Tom Olsen: 31330 Londel French: 17800 Tom Olsen->Charles Rucker ← Tom Olsen: 34098 Charles Rucker: 22700 Tom Olsen->Katherine Kelly ← Tom Olsen: 34601 Katherine Kelly: 18036 Tom Olsen->UWI ← Tom Olsen: 36475 UWI: 873 Alicia D. Smith->Mary McKelvey ← Alicia D. Smith: 33565 Mary McKelvey: 31573 Alicia D. Smith->Londel French ← Alicia D. Smith: 32662 Londel French: 23926 Alicia D. Smith->Charles Rucker ← Alicia D. Smith: 37650 Charles Rucker: 22862 Alicia D. Smith->Katherine Kelly ← Alicia D. Smith: 37726 Katherine Kelly: 15367 Alicia D. Smith->UWI ← Alicia D. Smith: 40944 UWI: 930 Mary McKelvey->Londel French ← Mary McKelvey: 34998 Londel French: 25227 Mary McKelvey->Charles Rucker ← Mary McKelvey: 32959 Charles Rucker: 19331 Mary McKelvey->Katherine Kelly ← Mary McKelvey: 33818 Katherine Kelly: 17353 Mary McKelvey->UWI ← Mary McKelvey: 37184 UWI: 947 Londel French->Charles Rucker ← Londel French: 24564 Charles Rucker: 24068 Londel French->Katherine Kelly ← Londel French: 25632 Katherine Kelly: 19269 Londel French->UWI ← Londel French: 26571 UWI: 885 Charles Rucker->Katherine Kelly ← Charles Rucker: 24300 Katherine Kelly: 18721 Charles Rucker->UWI ← Charles Rucker: 25830 UWI: 909 Katherine Kelly->UWI ← Katherine Kelly: 20605 UWI: 974

Win-loss-tie table

2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Park-AL-Cast-Vote-Record w-l-t table permalink:

Pairwise winner(s): Meg Forney

Candidate matchups for UWI, Meg Forney, Mary McKelvey, Alicia D. Smith, Charles Rucker, Katherine Kelly, Tom Olsen, Londel French

Meg Forney (7-0-0)
Meg Forney victories
Meg Forney is undefeated
Tom Olsen (6-1-0)
Tom Olsen victories
Meg Forney: 47824
Tom Olsen: 31145
← Tom Olsen losses
Alicia D. Smith (5-2-0)
Alicia D. Smith victories
Tom Olsen: 32832
Alicia D. Smith: 30769
Meg Forney: 46899
Alicia D. Smith: 29108
← Alicia D. Smith losses
Mary McKelvey (4-3-0)
Mary McKelvey victories
Alicia D. Smith: 33565
Mary McKelvey: 31573
Tom Olsen: 33728
Mary McKelvey: 32215
Meg Forney: 45525
Mary McKelvey: 22769
← Mary McKelvey losses
Londel French (3-4-0)
Londel French victories
Mary McKelvey: 34998
Londel French: 25227
Alicia D. Smith: 32662
Londel French: 23926
Tom Olsen: 31330
Londel French: 17800
Meg Forney: 50086
Londel French: 23469
← Londel French losses
Charles Rucker (2-5-0)
Charles Rucker victories
Londel French: 24564
Charles Rucker: 24068
Mary McKelvey: 32959
Charles Rucker: 19331
Alicia D. Smith: 37650
Charles Rucker: 22862
Tom Olsen: 34098
Charles Rucker: 22700
Meg Forney: 49679
Charles Rucker: 17595
← Charles Rucker losses
Katherine Kelly (1-6-0)
Katherine Kelly victories
Charles Rucker: 24300
Katherine Kelly: 18721
Londel French: 25632
Katherine Kelly: 19269
Mary McKelvey: 33818
Katherine Kelly: 17353
Alicia D. Smith: 37726
Katherine Kelly: 15367
Tom Olsen: 34601
Katherine Kelly: 18036
Meg Forney: 49948
Katherine Kelly: 14802
← Katherine Kelly losses
UWI (0-7-0)
Katherine Kelly: 20605
UWI: 974
Charles Rucker: 25830
UWI: 909
Londel French: 26571
UWI: 885
Mary McKelvey: 37184
UWI: 947
Alicia D. Smith: 40944
UWI: 930
Tom Olsen: 36475
UWI: 873
Meg Forney: 53405
UWI: 894
← UWI losses

IRV table

2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Park-AL-Cast-Vote-Record IRV table permalink:

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7
Starting ballots: 106650
Exhausted ballots: 0
Counted ballots: 106650
Starting ballots: 106650
Exhausted ballots: 518
Counted ballots: 105614
Minimum plurality: 52808
Starting ballots: 106650
Exhausted ballots: 2917
Counted ballots: 100816
Minimum plurality: 50409
Starting ballots: 106650
Exhausted ballots: 6303
Counted ballots: 94044
Minimum plurality: 47023
Starting ballots: 106650
Exhausted ballots: 10530
Counted ballots: 85590
Minimum plurality: 42796
Starting ballots: 106650
Exhausted ballots: 16077
Counted ballots: 74496
Minimum plurality: 37249
Starting ballots: 106650
Exhausted ballots: 27681
Counted ballots: 51288
Minimum plurality: 25645
Meg Forney: 31612 Meg Forney: 31629 Meg Forney: 32689 Meg Forney: 34323 Meg Forney: 36096 Meg Forney: 42100 Meg Forney: 47824
Mary McKelvey: 12074 Mary McKelvey: 12079 Mary McKelvey: 13195 Mary McKelvey: 14912 Mary McKelvey: 15694 (eliminated) Mary McKelvey Mary McKelvey
Alicia D. Smith: 12799 Alicia D. Smith: 12806 Alicia D. Smith: 13989 Alicia D. Smith: 15418 Alicia D. Smith: 17480 Alicia D. Smith: 20148 (eliminated) Alicia D. Smith
Charles Rucker: 9711 Charles Rucker: 9720 Charles Rucker: 10263 (eliminated) Charles Rucker Charles Rucker Charles Rucker Charles Rucker
Katherine Kelly: 7270 Katherine Kelly: 7272 (eliminated) Katherine Kelly Katherine Kelly Katherine Kelly Katherine Kelly Katherine Kelly
Tom Olsen: 20702 Tom Olsen: 20710 Tom Olsen: 21408 Tom Olsen: 22732 Tom Olsen: 26850 Tom Olsen: 28325 Tom Olsen: 31145 (eliminated)
Londel French: 11906 Londel French: 11916 Londel French: 12189 Londel French: 12962 (eliminated) Londel French Londel French Londel French

STAR results

2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Park-AL-Cast-Vote-Record STAR results permalink:

(one star above is approximately 29,999 stars allocated by voters)
  • Total voters: 106,650
  • Total stars allocated: 1,499,955
  • First round:
    • #1: Meg Forney received 343,366 stars from 53,430 voters
    • #2: Alicia D. Smith received 242,424 stars from 40,960 voters
    • #3: Tom Olsen received 234,209 stars from 36,499 voters
    • #4: Mary McKelvey received 225,516 stars from 37,200 voters
    • #5: Londel French received 167,189 stars from 26,586 voters
    • #6: Charles Rucker received 156,686 stars from 25,847 voters
    • #7: Katherine Kelly received 124,153 stars from 20,615 voters
    • #8: UWI received 6,412 stars from 1,012 voters
  • Finalists:
    • Meg Forney preferred by 46,899 of 106,650 voters
    • Alicia D. Smith preferred by 29,108 of 106,650 voters
    • No preference between the finalists: 30643
  • STAR winner: Meg Forney
