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accesor (Pierce_WA; 2008-11-04)

🔗 2008-11-04_Pierce_WA-acessor_treasurer-accesor     (tags: { from-bolson , 2008 , PierceCounty_WA , Pierce_WA-2008 , WA , 2008-11 )

Below is the ABIF from the "2008-11-04_Pierce_WA-acessor_treasurer-accesor" election (accesor (Pierce_WA; 2008-11-04))

ABIF submission area (hide)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



The RCV/IRV results of 2008-11-04_Pierce_WA-acessor_treasurer-accesor are below, and can be edited in the field above.

IRV table

2008-11-04_Pierce_WA-acessor_treasurer-accesor IRV table permalink:

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
Starting ballots: 312771
Exhausted ballots: 50078
Counted ballots: 212615
Minimum plurality: 106308
Starting ballots: 312771
Exhausted ballots: 50999
Counted ballots: 210773
Minimum plurality: 105387
Starting ballots: 312771
Exhausted ballots: 55534
Counted ballots: 201703
Minimum plurality: 100852
Starting ballots: 312771
Exhausted ballots: 63734
Counted ballots: 185303
Minimum plurality: 92652
Starting ballots: 312771
Exhausted ballots: 86172
Counted ballots: 140427
Minimum plurality: 70214
Starting ballots: 312771
Exhausted ballots: 123152
Counted ballots: 66467
Minimum plurality: 33234
Write-In: 1052 Write-In Write-In Write-In Write-In Write-In
Jan Shabro: 50116 Jan Shabro: 50129 Jan Shabro: 53675 Jan Shabro: 58356 (eliminated) Jan Shabro Jan Shabro
Dale Washam: 65698 Dale Washam: 65728 Dale Washam: 68370 Dale Washam: 72039 Dale Washam: 82530 Dale Washam: 98431
Terry Lee: 50311 Terry Lee: 50341 Terry Lee: 53765 Terry Lee: 58607 Terry Lee: 70331 (eliminated) Terry Lee
Barbara Gelman: 49847 Barbara Gelman: 49867 Barbara Gelman: 52114 Barbara Gelman: 60035 Barbara Gelman: 73738 Barbara Gelman: 91188 (eliminated)
Bernardo Tuma: 18267 Bernardo Tuma: 18282 (eliminated) Bernardo Tuma Bernardo Tuma Bernardo Tuma Bernardo Tuma
Beverly Davidson: 27402 Beverly Davidson: 27425 Beverly Davidson: 29313 (eliminated) Beverly Davidson Beverly Davidson Beverly Davidson
