2017-Park-Board-At-Large-Ballot-Records (Minneapolis; 2017-11-07)
🔗 2017-11-07_Minneapolis-2017-Park-Board-At-Large-Ballot-Records
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Below is the ABIF from the "2017-11-07_Minneapolis-2017-Park-Board-At-Large-Ballot-Records" election (2017-Park-Board-At-Large-Ballot-Records (Minneapolis; 2017-11-07))
The STAR results of 2017-11-07_Minneapolis-2017-Park-Board-At-Large-Ballot-Records are below, and can be edited in the field above.
- STAR output — Winner: Latrisha Vetaw
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- Pairwise diagram for 2017-11-07_Minneapolis-2017-Park-Board-At-Large-Ballot-Records
- Win-loss-tie table for 2017-11-07_Minneapolis-2017-Park-Board-At-Large-Ballot-Records
- IRV table for 2017-11-07_Minneapolis-2017-Park-Board-At-Large-Ballot-Records
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STAR results
2017-11-07_Minneapolis-2017-Park-Board-At-Large-Ballot-Records STAR results permalink:
(one star above is approximately 37,203 stars allocated by voters)
- Total voters: 84,347
- Total stars allocated: 1,860,169
- First round:
- ★#1: Meg Forney received 364,817 stars from 39,292 voters
- ★#2: Latrisha Vetaw received 361,678 stars from 38,971 voters
- ★#3: Londel French received 283,230 stars from 31,041 voters
- ★#4: Mike Derus received 228,995 stars from 24,941 voters
- ★#5: Russ Henry received 219,432 stars from 24,208 voters
- ★#6: Devin Hogan received 197,663 stars from 22,199 voters
- ★#7: Charlie Casserly received 84,846 stars from 9,337 voters
- ★#8: Jonathan Honerbrink received 65,614 stars from 7,274 voters
- ★#9: Bob Sullentrop received 46,209 stars from 5,143 voters
- ★#10: UWI received 7,614 stars from 833 voters
- ★#11: Scott Vreeland received 71 stars from 8 voters
- Finalists:
- ★Meg Forney preferred by 28,940 of 84,347 voters
- ★Latrisha Vetaw preferred by 29,918 of 84,347 voters
- ★No preference between the finalists: 25489
- STAR winner: Latrisha Vetaw