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DEM Council Member_32nd Council District (NYC; 2021-06-22)

🔗 2021-06-22_NYC-PE2021_CVR_Final-DEM_Council_Member_32nd_Council_District     (tags: { 2021 , from-bolson , NY , NYC-2021 , NYC_NY , 2021-06 )

Below is the ABIF from the "2021-06-22_NYC-PE2021_CVR_Final-DEM_Council_Member_32nd_Council_District" election (DEM Council Member_32nd Council District (NYC; 2021-06-22))

ABIF submission area (hide)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



The pairwise diagram of 2021-06-22_NYC-PE2021_CVR_Final-DEM_Council_Member_32nd_Council_District are below, and can be edited in the field above.

Pairwise diagram

2021-06-22_NYC-PE2021_CVR_Final-DEM_Council_Member_32nd_Council_District pairwise diagram permalink:

%3 Felicia Singh Felicia Singh 5-0-0 (5 wins, 0 losses, 0 ties) Michael G. Scala Michael G. Scala 4-1-0 Felicia Singh->Michael G. Scala ← Felicia Singh: 4695 Michael G. Scala: 4261 Helal A. Sheikh Helal A. Sheikh 2-3-0 Felicia Singh->Helal A. Sheikh ← Felicia Singh: 5495 Helal A. Sheikh: 1723 Kaled A. Alamarie Kaled A. Alamarie 2-3-0 Felicia Singh->Kaled A. Alamarie ← Felicia Singh: 5435 Kaled A. Alamarie: 1683 Bella A. Matias Bella A. Matias 2-3-0 Felicia Singh->Bella A. Matias ← Felicia Singh: 5468 Bella A. Matias: 1558 Shaeleigh Severino Shaeleigh Severino 0-5-0 Felicia Singh->Shaeleigh Severino ← Felicia Singh: 5756 Shaeleigh Severino: 966 Michael G. Scala->Helal A. Sheikh ← Michael G. Scala: 5479 Helal A. Sheikh: 2408 Michael G. Scala->Kaled A. Alamarie ← Michael G. Scala: 5469 Kaled A. Alamarie: 2063 Michael G. Scala->Bella A. Matias ← Michael G. Scala: 5274 Bella A. Matias: 2114 Michael G. Scala->Shaeleigh Severino ← Michael G. Scala: 5821 Shaeleigh Severino: 1174 Helal A. Sheikh->Bella A. Matias ← Helal A. Sheikh: 2839 Bella A. Matias: 2638 Helal A. Sheikh->Shaeleigh Severino ← Helal A. Sheikh: 3092 Shaeleigh Severino: 1904 Kaled A. Alamarie->Helal A. Sheikh ← Kaled A. Alamarie: 2854 Helal A. Sheikh: 2613 Kaled A. Alamarie->Shaeleigh Severino ← Kaled A. Alamarie: 2873 Shaeleigh Severino: 1980 Bella A. Matias->Kaled A. Alamarie ← Bella A. Matias: 2678 Kaled A. Alamarie: 2613 Bella A. Matias->Shaeleigh Severino ← Bella A. Matias: 2971 Shaeleigh Severino: 1392
