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chater_commissioner (Portland_ME; 2021-06-)

🔗 2021-06-_Portland_ME-chater_commissioner     (tags: { 2021 , from-bolson , Portland_ME-2021 , Portland_ME , 2021-06 , ME )

Below is the ABIF from the "2021-06-_Portland_ME-chater_commissioner" election (chater_commissioner (Portland_ME; 2021-06-))

ABIF submission area (show)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



The RCV/IRV results of 2021-06-_Portland_ME-chater_commissioner are below, and can be edited in the field above.

IRV table

2021-06-_Portland_ME-chater_commissioner IRV table permalink:

Round 1
Starting ballots: 8781
Exhausted ballots: 3868
Overvotes: 4187
Counted ballots: -3142
Minimum plurality: -1570
Buxton,Catherine A.: 18
Chann,Marpheen S.: 70
Sheikh-Yousef,Nasreen A.: 54
Emerson,Anthony M.: 15
Washburn,Patricia J.: 6
DiMillo,Steven A.: 438
Condrey,Lawson T.: 15
Grant,Benjamin K.: 65
Bailey,William M.: 29
Houseal,Ian P.: 14
Rovelto,Hope R.: 2
