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2021-Ward-1-Cast-Vote-Record (Minneapolis; 2021-11-02)

🔗 2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Ward-1-Cast-Vote-Record     (tags: { Minneapolis_MN , 2021 , from-bolson , 2021-11 , MN , Minneapolis-2021 )

Below is the ABIF from the "2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Ward-1-Cast-Vote-Record" election (2021-Ward-1-Cast-Vote-Record (Minneapolis; 2021-11-02))

ABIF submission area (show)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



Below are various abiftool output blocks for the ABIF above.

Pairwise diagram

2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Ward-1-Cast-Vote-Record pairwise diagram permalink:

%3 Elliott Payne Elliott Payne 4-0-0 (4 wins, 0 losses, 0 ties) Kevin Reich Kevin Reich 3-1-0 Elliott Payne->Kevin Reich ← Elliott Payne: 5745 Kevin Reich: 5191 Thomas E Wortman Thomas E Wortman 2-2-0 Elliott Payne->Thomas E Wortman ← Elliott Payne: 7349 Thomas E Wortman: 1113 Calvin L Carpenter Calvin L Carpenter 1-3-0 Elliott Payne->Calvin L Carpenter ← Elliott Payne: 7650 Calvin L Carpenter: 1126 UWI UWI 0-4-0 Elliott Payne->UWI ← Elliott Payne: 7866 UWI: 101 Kevin Reich->Thomas E Wortman ← Kevin Reich: 7203 Thomas E Wortman: 1284 Kevin Reich->Calvin L Carpenter ← Kevin Reich: 7563 Calvin L Carpenter: 962 Kevin Reich->UWI ← Kevin Reich: 7795 UWI: 114 Thomas E Wortman->Calvin L Carpenter ← Thomas E Wortman: 3481 Calvin L Carpenter: 1222 Thomas E Wortman->UWI ← Thomas E Wortman: 3761 UWI: 164 Calvin L Carpenter->UWI ← Calvin L Carpenter: 1552 UWI: 123

Win-loss-tie table

2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Ward-1-Cast-Vote-Record w-l-t table permalink:

Pairwise winner(s): Elliott Payne

Candidate matchups for UWI, Kevin Reich, Calvin L Carpenter, Thomas E Wortman, Elliott Payne

Elliott Payne (4-0-0)
Elliott Payne victories
Elliott Payne is undefeated
Kevin Reich (3-1-0)
Kevin Reich victories
Elliott Payne: 5745
Kevin Reich: 5191
← Kevin Reich losses
Thomas E Wortman (2-2-0)
Thomas E Wortman victories
Kevin Reich: 7203
Thomas E Wortman: 1284
Elliott Payne: 7349
Thomas E Wortman: 1113
← Thomas E Wortman losses
Calvin L Carpenter (1-3-0)
Calvin L Carpenter victories
Thomas E Wortman: 3481
Calvin L Carpenter: 1222
Kevin Reich: 7563
Calvin L Carpenter: 962
Elliott Payne: 7650
Calvin L Carpenter: 1126
← Calvin L Carpenter losses
UWI (0-4-0)
Calvin L Carpenter: 1552
UWI: 123
Thomas E Wortman: 3761
UWI: 164
Kevin Reich: 7795
UWI: 114
Elliott Payne: 7866
UWI: 101
← UWI losses

IRV table

2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Ward-1-Cast-Vote-Record IRV table permalink:

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
Starting ballots: 11438
Exhausted ballots: 0
Counted ballots: 11438
Starting ballots: 11438
Exhausted ballots: 15
Counted ballots: 11408
Minimum plurality: 5705
Starting ballots: 11438
Exhausted ballots: 114
Counted ballots: 11210
Minimum plurality: 5606
Starting ballots: 11438
Exhausted ballots: 502
Counted ballots: 10434
Minimum plurality: 5218
Kevin Reich: 4903 Kevin Reich: 4907 Kevin Reich: 5017 Kevin Reich: 5191 (eliminated)
Calvin L Carpenter: 638 Calvin L Carpenter: 640 Calvin L Carpenter: 682 (eliminated) Calvin L Carpenter
Thomas E Wortman: 363 Thomas E Wortman: 364 (eliminated) Thomas E Wortman Thomas E Wortman
Elliott Payne: 5511 Elliott Payne: 5512 Elliott Payne: 5625 Elliott Payne: 5745

STAR results

2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Ward-1-Cast-Vote-Record STAR results permalink:

(one star above is approximately 1,427 stars allocated by voters)
  • Total voters: 11,438
  • Total stars allocated: 71,365
  • First round:
    • #1: Elliott Payne received 28,610 stars from 7,870 voters
    • #2: Kevin Reich received 27,752 stars from 7,803 voters
    • #3: Thomas E Wortman received 9,639 stars from 3,766 voters
    • #4: Calvin L Carpenter received 4,862 stars from 1,555 voters
    • #5: UWI received 502 stars from 180 voters
  • Finalists:
    • Elliott Payne preferred by 5,745 of 11,438 voters
    • Kevin Reich preferred by 5,191 of 11,438 voters
    • No preference between the finalists: 502
  • STAR winner: Elliott Payne
