2021-Ward-2-Cast-Vote-Record (Minneapolis; 2021-11-02)
🔗 2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Ward-2-Cast-Vote-Record
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Below is the ABIF from the "2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Ward-2-Cast-Vote-Record" election (2021-Ward-2-Cast-Vote-Record (Minneapolis; 2021-11-02))
The STAR results of 2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Ward-2-Cast-Vote-Record are below, and can be edited in the field above.
- STAR output — Winner: Yusra Arab
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- Pairwise diagram for 2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Ward-2-Cast-Vote-Record
- Win-loss-tie table for 2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Ward-2-Cast-Vote-Record
- IRV table for 2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Ward-2-Cast-Vote-Record
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STAR results
2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Ward-2-Cast-Vote-Record STAR results permalink:
(one star above is approximately 1,797 stars allocated by voters)
- Total voters: 9,527
- Total stars allocated: 89,847
- First round:
- ★#1: Yusra Arab received 25,193 stars from 5,906 voters
- ★#2: Cam Gordon received 23,551 stars from 5,509 voters
- ★#3: Robin Wonsley Worlobah received 22,620 stars from 5,150 voters
- ★#4: Tom Anderson received 14,282 stars from 3,633 voters
- ★#5: Guy T Gaskin received 3,902 stars from 875 voters
- ★#6: UWI received 299 stars from 86 voters
- Finalists:
- ★Yusra Arab preferred by 4,324 of 9,527 voters
- ★Cam Gordon preferred by 4,099 of 9,527 voters
- ★No preference between the finalists: 1104
- STAR winner: Yusra Arab