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school_board_at_large (Portland_ME; 2022-06-14)

🔗 2022-06-14_Portland_ME-school_board_at_large     (tags: { Portland_ME-2022 , from-bolson , 2022 , Portland_ME , ME , 2022-06 )

Below is the ABIF from the "2022-06-14_Portland_ME-school_board_at_large" election (school_board_at_large (Portland_ME; 2022-06-14))

ABIF submission area (hide)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



The RCV/IRV results of 2022-06-14_Portland_ME-school_board_at_large are below, and can be edited in the field above.

IRV table

2022-06-14_Portland_ME-school_board_at_large IRV table permalink:

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
Starting ballots: 8880
Exhausted ballots: 0
Counted ballots: 8880
Starting ballots: 8880
Exhausted ballots: 48
Counted ballots: 8784
Minimum plurality: 4393
Starting ballots: 8880
Exhausted ballots: 85
Counted ballots: 8710
Minimum plurality: 4356
Starting ballots: 8880
Exhausted ballots: 181
Counted ballots: 8518
Minimum plurality: 4260
Starting ballots: 8880
Exhausted ballots: 441
Counted ballots: 7998
Minimum plurality: 4000
Starting ballots: 8880
Exhausted ballots: 1560
Counted ballots: 5760
Minimum plurality: 2881
Mancini,Kimberly A.: 680 Mancini,Kimberly A.: 710 Mancini,Kimberly A.: 867 Mancini,Kimberly A.: 926 (eliminated) Mancini,Kimberly A. Mancini,Kimberly A.
Hang,Stacey L.: 1232 Hang,Stacey L.: 1272 Hang,Stacey L.: 1356 Hang,Stacey L.: 1540 Hang,Stacey L.: 1968 (eliminated) Hang,Stacey L.
Grant,Benjamin K.: 2382 Grant,Benjamin K.: 2417 Grant,Benjamin K.: 2449 Grant,Benjamin K.: 2763 Grant,Benjamin K.: 2865 Grant,Benjamin K.: 3272 (eliminated)
Lentz,Sarah M.: 3269 Lentz,Sarah M.: 3286 Lentz,Sarah M.: 3323 Lentz,Sarah M.: 3470 Lentz,Sarah M.: 3606 Lentz,Sarah M.: 4048
Albert,Stephanie G.: 755 Albert,Stephanie G.: 770 Albert,Stephanie G.: 800 (eliminated) Albert,Stephanie G. Albert,Stephanie G. Albert,Stephanie G.
Schertz,Amber J.: 340 Schertz,Amber J.: 377 (eliminated) Schertz,Amber J. Schertz,Amber J. Schertz,Amber J. Schertz,Amber J.
Ward,Richard L.: 222 Ward,Richard L. Ward,Richard L. Ward,Richard L. Ward,Richard L. Ward,Richard L.
