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Senate_District_C (Alaska; 2022-08-16)

🔗 2022-08-16_Alaska-Senate_District_C     (tags: { from-bolson , 2022 , AK , local , Alaska-2022 , 2022-08 )

Below is the ABIF from the "2022-08-16_Alaska-Senate_District_C" election (Senate_District_C (Alaska; 2022-08-16))

ABIF submission area (show)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



Below are various abiftool output blocks for the ABIF above.

Pairwise diagram

2022-08-16_Alaska-Senate_District_C pairwise diagram permalink:

%3 Stevens,Gary Stevens,Gary 2-0-0 (2 wins, 0 losses, 0 ties) Smith,Heath Smith,Heath 1-1-0 Stevens,Gary->Smith,Heath ← Stevens,Gary: 6208 Smith,Heath: 2635 Jones,Walter H. Jones,Walter H. 0-2-0 Stevens,Gary->Jones,Walter H. ← Stevens,Gary: 6208 Jones,Walter H.: 985 Smith,Heath->Jones,Walter H. ← Smith,Heath: 2633 Jones,Walter H.: 983

Win-loss-tie table

2022-08-16_Alaska-Senate_District_C w-l-t table permalink:

Pairwise winner(s): Stevens,Gary

Candidate matchups for Stevens,Gary, Smith,Heath, Jones,Walter H.

Stevens,Gary (2-0-0)
Stevens,Gary victories
Stevens,Gary is undefeated
Smith,Heath (1-1-0)
Smith,Heath victories
Stevens,Gary: 6208
Smith,Heath: 2635
← Smith,Heath losses
Jones,Walter H. (0-2-0)
Smith,Heath: 2633
Jones,Walter H.: 983
Stevens,Gary: 6208
Jones,Walter H.: 985
← Jones,Walter H. losses

IRV table

2022-08-16_Alaska-Senate_District_C IRV table permalink:

Round 1
Starting ballots: 11799
Exhausted ballots: 1973
Overvotes: 2
Counted ballots: 7851
Minimum plurality: 3926
Stevens,Gary: 6208
Smith,Heath: 2633
Jones,Walter H.: 983

STAR results

2022-08-16_Alaska-Senate_District_C STAR results permalink:

(one star above is approximately 393 stars allocated by voters)
  • Total voters: 11,799
  • Total stars allocated: 19,656
  • First round:
    • #1: Stevens,Gary received 12,416 stars from 6,208 voters
    • #2: Smith,Heath received 5,270 stars from 2,635 voters
    • #3: Jones,Walter H. received 1,970 stars from 985 voters
  • Finalists:
    • Stevens,Gary preferred by 6,208 of 11,799 voters
    • Smith,Heath preferred by 2,635 of 11,799 voters
    • No preference between the finalists: 2956
  • STAR winner: Stevens,Gary
