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U.S._Representative_(Special_General) (Alaska; 2022-08-16)

🔗 2022-08-16_Alaska-U.S._Representative_(Special_General)     (tags: { from-bolson , 2022 , AK , local , Alaska-2022 , 2022-08 )

Below is the ABIF from the "2022-08-16_Alaska-U.S._Representative_(Special_General)" election (U.S._Representative_(Special_General) (Alaska; 2022-08-16))

ABIF submission area (show)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



The RCV/IRV results of 2022-08-16_Alaska-U.S._Representative_(Special_General) are below, and can be edited in the field above.

IRV table

2022-08-16_Alaska-U.S._Representative_(Special_General) IRV table permalink:

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Starting ballots: 192289
Exhausted ballots: 63343
Overvotes: 75003
Counted ballots: -9400
Minimum plurality: -4699
Starting ballots: 117286
Exhausted ballots: 14297
Overvotes: 50409
Counted ballots: 38283
Minimum plurality: 19142
Starting ballots: 66877
Exhausted ballots: 14770
Overvotes: 1410
Counted ballots: 35927
Minimum plurality: 17964
Write-in: 3023 Write-in Write-in
Peltola,Mary S.: 20105 Peltola,Mary S.: 20680 Peltola,Mary S.: 28493
Begich,Nick: 10425 Begich,Nick: 11077 (eliminated) Begich,Nick
Palin,Sarah: 20390 Palin,Sarah: 20823 Palin,Sarah: 22204 (eliminated)
