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Debian 2003 Project Leader

🔗 DPL2003     (tags: { debian , actual , orgpriv , CondorcetVsIRV )

Below is the ABIF from the "DPL2003" election (Debian 2003 Project Leader)

ABIF submission area (hide)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



Below are various abiftool output blocks for the ABIF above.

Pairwise diagram

DPL2003 pairwise diagram permalink:

%3 MartinMichlmayr MartinMichlmayr 4-0-0 (4 wins, 0 losses, 0 ties) BdaleGarbee BdaleGarbee 3-1-0 MartinMichlmayr->BdaleGarbee ← MartinMichlmayr: 228 BdaleGarbee: 224 BrandenRobinson BrandenRobinson 2-2-0 MartinMichlmayr->BrandenRobinson ← MartinMichlmayr: 237 BrandenRobinson: 226 MosheZadka MosheZadka 1-3-0 MartinMichlmayr->MosheZadka ← MartinMichlmayr: 397 MosheZadka: 38 NOTA NOTA 0-4-0 MartinMichlmayr->NOTA ← MartinMichlmayr: 424 NOTA: 39 BdaleGarbee->BrandenRobinson ← BdaleGarbee: 238 BrandenRobinson: 221 BdaleGarbee->MosheZadka ← BdaleGarbee: 428 MosheZadka: 34 BdaleGarbee->NOTA ← BdaleGarbee: 449 NOTA: 29 BrandenRobinson->MosheZadka ← BrandenRobinson: 385 MosheZadka: 66 BrandenRobinson->NOTA ← BrandenRobinson: 405 NOTA: 65 MosheZadka->NOTA ← MosheZadka: 228 NOTA: 202

Win-loss-tie table

DPL2003 w-l-t table permalink:

Pairwise winner(s): MartinMichlmayr

2003 Debian Project Leader election, won by Martin Michlmayr.

Martin Michlmayr ["MartinMichlmayr"] (4-0-0)
MartinMichlmayr victories
MartinMichlmayr is undefeated
Bdale Garbee ["BdaleGarbee"] (3-1-0)
BdaleGarbee victories
MartinMichlmayr: 228
BdaleGarbee: 224
← BdaleGarbee losses
Branden Robinson ["BrandenRobinson"] (2-2-0)
BrandenRobinson victories
BdaleGarbee: 238
BrandenRobinson: 221
MartinMichlmayr: 237
BrandenRobinson: 226
← BrandenRobinson losses
Moshe Zadka ["MosheZadka"] (1-3-0)
MosheZadka victories
BrandenRobinson: 385
MosheZadka: 66
BdaleGarbee: 428
MosheZadka: 34
MartinMichlmayr: 397
MosheZadka: 38
← MosheZadka losses
None Of The Above ["NOTA"] (0-4-0)
MosheZadka: 228
NOTA: 202
BrandenRobinson: 405
NOTA: 65
BdaleGarbee: 449
NOTA: 29
MartinMichlmayr: 424
NOTA: 39
← NOTA losses

IRV table

DPL2003 IRV table permalink:

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
Starting ballots: 488
Exhausted ballots: 0
Overvotes: 32
Counted ballots: 456
Minimum plurality: 229
Starting ballots: 456
Exhausted ballots: 1
Overvotes: 3
Counted ballots: 451
Minimum plurality: 226
Starting ballots: 453
Exhausted ballots: 2
Counted ballots: 449
Minimum plurality: 225
TIE(†): MartinMichlmayr, BdaleGarbee
Starting ballots: 453
Exhausted ballots: 6
Overvotes: 13
Counted ballots: 428
Minimum plurality: 215
MosheZadka: 10 MosheZadka: 11 (eliminated) MosheZadka MosheZadka
BdaleGarbee: 145 BdaleGarbee: 143 BdaleGarbee: 146 BdaleGarbee: 225
BrandenRobinson: 158 BrandenRobinson: 158 BrandenRobinson: 159 BrandenRobinson: 209 (eliminated)
MartinMichlmayr: 141 MartinMichlmayr: 140 MartinMichlmayr: 146 (randomly eliminated ††) MartinMichlmayr
† - This example employs a limited form "batch elimination", where a batch of multiple candidates who (in sum total) do not have enough remaining top preferences to defeat the next highest candidate in the rankings. †† - When a tie occurs, per the laws in the City and County of San Francisco and the laws in the state of Maine, the losing candidate for the round is randomly eliminated.

STAR results

DPL2003 STAR results permalink:

(one star above is approximately 99 stars allocated by voters)
  • Total voters: 488
  • Total stars allocated: 4,962
  • First round:
    • #1: Bdale Garbee received 1,416 stars from 466 voters
    • #2: Martin Michlmayr received 1,363 stars from 447 voters
    • #3: Branden Robinson received 1,309 stars from 427 voters
    • #4: Moshe Zadka received 468 stars from 284 voters
    • #5: None Of The Above received 406 stars from 258 voters
  • Finalists:
    • Bdale Garbee preferred by 224 of 488 voters
    • Martin Michlmayr preferred by 228 of 488 voters
    • No preference between the finalists: 36
  • STAR winner: Martin Michlmayr
