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Debian 2005 Project Leader

🔗 DPL2005     (tags: { debian , actual , orgpriv )

Below is the ABIF from the "DPL2005" election (Debian 2005 Project Leader)

ABIF submission area (show)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



The RCV/IRV results of DPL2005 are below, and can be edited in the field above.

IRV table

DPL2005 IRV table permalink:

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
Starting ballots: 504
Exhausted ballots: 0
Overvotes: 32
Counted ballots: 472
Minimum plurality: 237
Starting ballots: 472
Exhausted ballots: 1
Overvotes: 2
Counted ballots: 468
Minimum plurality: 235
Starting ballots: 470
Exhausted ballots: 2
Overvotes: 1
Counted ballots: 465
Minimum plurality: 233
Starting ballots: 469
Exhausted ballots: 6
Overvotes: 2
Counted ballots: 455
Minimum plurality: 228
Starting ballots: 467
Exhausted ballots: 9
Overvotes: 4
Counted ballots: 445
Minimum plurality: 223
Starting ballots: 463
Exhausted ballots: 20
Overvotes: 4
Counted ballots: 419
Minimum plurality: 210
JonathanWalther: 5 JonathanWalther JonathanWalther JonathanWalther JonathanWalther JonathanWalther
MatthewGarrett: 118 MatthewGarrett: 118 MatthewGarrett: 120 MatthewGarrett: 131 MatthewGarrett: 144 MatthewGarrett: 210 (eliminated)
BrandenRobinson: 123 BrandenRobinson: 124 BrandenRobinson: 126 BrandenRobinson: 128 BrandenRobinson: 168 BrandenRobinson: 229
AnthonyTowns: 121 AnthonyTowns: 121 AnthonyTowns: 123 AnthonyTowns: 125 AnthonyTowns: 142 (eliminated) AnthonyTowns
AngusLees: 11 AngusLees: 11 (eliminated) AngusLees AngusLees AngusLees AngusLees
AndreasSchuldei: 75 AndreasSchuldei: 76 AndreasSchuldei: 76 AndreasSchuldei: 77 (eliminated) AndreasSchuldei AndreasSchuldei
NOTA: 19 NOTA: 19 NOTA: 22 (eliminated) NOTA NOTA NOTA
