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2022 Debian Project Leader

🔗 DPL2022     (tags: { debian , actual , orgpriv )

Below is the ABIF from the "DPL2022" election (2022 Debian Project Leader)

ABIF submission area (show)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



The win-loss-tie (pairwise) results of DPL2022 are below, and can be edited in the field above.

Win-loss-tie table

DPL2022 w-l-t table permalink:

Pairwise winner(s): JonathanCarter

2022 Debian Project Leader election, won by Jonathan Carter.

Jonathan Carter ["JonathanCarter"] (3-0-0)
JonathanCarter victories
JonathanCarter is undefeated
Hideki Yamane ["HidekiYamane"] (2-1-0)
HidekiYamane victories
JonathanCarter: 266
HidekiYamane: 69
← HidekiYamane losses
None of the above ["NOTA"] (1-2-0)
NOTA victories
HidekiYamane: 290
NOTA: 53
JonathanCarter: 327
NOTA: 22
← NOTA losses
Felix Lechner ["FelixLechner"] (0-3-0)
NOTA: 188
FelixLechner: 151
HidekiYamane: 229
FelixLechner: 84
JonathanCarter: 294
FelixLechner: 52
← FelixLechner losses
