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Debian 2021 General Resolution 001

🔗 GenResRMS2021     (tags: { debian , actual , orgpriv )

Below is the ABIF from the "GenResRMS2021" election (Debian 2021 General Resolution 001)

ABIF submission area (show)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



The win-loss-tie (pairwise) results of GenResRMS2021 are below, and can be edited in the field above.

Win-loss-tie table

GenResRMS2021 w-l-t table permalink:

Pairwise winner(s): Debianwillnotissueap

2021: General Resolution: Statement regarding Richard Stallman's readmission to the FSF board

Debian will not issue a public statement on this issue ["Debianwillnotissueap"] (7-0-0)
Debianwillnotissueap victories
Debianwillnotissueap is undefeated
Call for Stallman's resignation from all FSF bodies ["CallforStallmansresi"] (6-1-0)
CallforStallmansresi victories
Debianwillnotissueap: 207
CallforStallmansresi: 199
← CallforStallmansresi losses
Call for the FSF board removal, as in ["CallfortheFSFboardre"] (4-3-0)
CallfortheFSFboardre victories
CallforStallmansresi: 137
CallfortheFSFboardre: 113
Debianwillnotissueap: 223
CallfortheFSFboardre: 178
← CallfortheFSFboardre losses
Discourage collaboration with the FSF while Stallman is in a leading position ["Discouragecollaborat"] (4-3-0)
Discouragecollaborat victories
CallfortheFSFboardre: 139
Discouragecollaborat: 131
CallforStallmansresi: 168
Discouragecollaborat: 90
Debianwillnotissueap: 203
Discouragecollaborat: 199
← Discouragecollaborat losses
Call on the FSF to further its governance processes ["CallontheFSFtofurthe"] (4-3-0)
CallontheFSFtofurthe victories
Discouragecollaborat: 150
CallontheFSFtofurthe: 140
CallfortheFSFboardre: 146
CallontheFSFtofurthe: 156
CallforStallmansresi: 165
CallontheFSFtofurthe: 132
Debianwillnotissueap: 197
CallontheFSFtofurthe: 196
← CallontheFSFtofurthe losses
Further Discussion ["FurtherDiscussion"] (2-5-0)
FurtherDiscussion victories
CallontheFSFtofurthe: 221
FurtherDiscussion: 164
Discouragecollaborat: 219
FurtherDiscussion: 173
CallfortheFSFboardre: 203
FurtherDiscussion: 186
CallforStallmansresi: 222
FurtherDiscussion: 166
Debianwillnotissueap: 277
FurtherDiscussion: 124
← FurtherDiscussion losses
Denounce the witch-hunt against RMS and the FSF ["Denouncethewitchhunt"] (1-6-0)
Denouncethewitchhunt victories
FurtherDiscussion: 301
Denouncethewitchhunt: 84
CallontheFSFtofurthe: 245
Denouncethewitchhunt: 77
Discouragecollaborat: 235
Denouncethewitchhunt: 92
CallfortheFSFboardre: 209
Denouncethewitchhunt: 103
CallforStallmansresi: 227
Denouncethewitchhunt: 97
Debianwillnotissueap: 339
Denouncethewitchhunt: 30
← Denouncethewitchhunt losses
Support Stallman's reinstatement, as in ["SupportStallmansrein"] (0-7-0)
Denouncethewitchhunt: 114
SupportStallmansrein: 59
FurtherDiscussion: 328
SupportStallmansrein: 52
CallontheFSFtofurthe: 259
SupportStallmansrein: 45
Discouragecollaborat: 246
SupportStallmansrein: 57
CallfortheFSFboardre: 218
SupportStallmansrein: 65
CallforStallmansresi: 239
SupportStallmansrein: 57
Debianwillnotissueap: 350
SupportStallmansrein: 19
← SupportStallmansrein losses
"Victories" and "losses" sometimes aren't displayed in the expected location when there are ties and/or cycles in the results, but the numbers provided should be accurate.
