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A modified version of the Tennessee example which demonstrates an IRV tie

🔗 TNexampleTie     (tags: { theoretical , CondorcetVsIRV )

Below is the ABIF from the "TNexampleTie" election (A modified version of the Tennessee example which demonstrates an IRV tie)

ABIF submission area (show)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



The RCV/IRV results of TNexampleTie are below, and can be edited in the field above.

IRV table

TNexampleTie IRV table permalink:

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Starting ballots: 84
Exhausted ballots: 0
Counted ballots: 84
Starting ballots: 84
Exhausted ballots: 0
Counted ballots: 84
Starting ballots: 84
Exhausted ballots: 0
Counted ballots: 84
TIE(†): Knox, Memph
Memph: 42 Memph: 42 Memph: 42
Nash: 20 Nash: 20 (eliminated) Nash
Chat: 10 Chat Chat
Knox: 12 Knox: 22 Knox: 42
† - This example employs a limited form "batch elimination", where a batch of multiple candidates who (in sum total) do not have enough remaining top preferences to defeat the next highest candidate in the rankings. †† - When a tie occurs, per the laws in the City and County of San Francisco and the laws in the state of Maine, the losing candidate for the round is randomly eliminated.
