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2021 comma-separated example of ABIF

🔗 commaSeparated2021     (tags: { theoretical )

Below is the ABIF from the "commaSeparated2021" election (2021 comma-separated example of ABIF)

ABIF submission area (show)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



Below are various abiftool output blocks for the ABIF above.

Pairwise diagram

commaSeparated2021 pairwise diagram permalink:

%3 Allie Allie 6-0-2 (6 wins, 0 losses, 2 ties) Billy Billy 4-1-4 Allie->Billy ← Allie: 7 Billy: 5 Dennis Dennis 4-2-2 Allie->Dennis ← Allie: 19 Dennis: 5 Edith Edith 3-3-2 Allie->Edith ← Allie: 19 Edith: 5 Candace Candace 2-2-6 Allie->Candace ← Allie: 19 Candace: 5 Frank Frank 2-5-0 Allie->Frank ← Allie: 19 Frank: 5 Georgie Georgie 1-4-4 Allie->Georgie ← Allie: 12 Georgie: 12 Harold Harold 0-5-4 Allie->Harold ← Allie: 19 Harold: 5 Billy->Dennis ← Billy: 12 Dennis: 7 Billy->Edith ← Billy: 12 Edith: 12 Billy->Candace ← Billy: 17 Candace: 7 Billy->Frank ← Billy: 12 Frank: 5 Billy->Georgie ← Billy: 12 Georgie: 7 Billy->Harold ← Billy: 12 Harold: 12 Dennis->Edith ← Dennis: 7 Edith: 5 Dennis->Candace ← Dennis: 12 Candace: 12 Dennis->Frank ← Dennis: 19 Frank: 5 Dennis->Georgie ← Dennis: 12 Georgie: 7 Dennis->Harold ← Dennis: 12 Harold: 5 Edith->Billy ← Edith: 12 Billy: 12 Edith->Frank ← Edith: 19 Frank: 5 Edith->Georgie ← Edith: 17 Georgie: 7 Edith->Harold ← Edith: 12 Harold: 7 Candace->Dennis ← Candace: 12 Dennis: 12 Candace->Edith ← Candace: 19 Edith: 5 Candace->Frank ← Candace: 19 Frank: 5 Candace->Georgie ← Candace: 12 Georgie: 12 Candace->Harold ← Candace: 12 Harold: 12 Frank->Georgie ← Frank: 17 Georgie: 7 Frank->Harold ← Frank: 17 Harold: 7 Georgie->Allie ← Georgie: 12 Allie: 12 Georgie->Candace ← Georgie: 12 Candace: 12 Georgie->Harold ← Georgie: 19 Harold: 5 Harold->Billy ← Harold: 12 Billy: 12 Harold->Candace ← Harold: 12 Candace: 12

Win-loss-tie table

commaSeparated2021 w-l-t table permalink:

Pairwise winner(s): Allie

Candidate matchups for Allie, Billy, Candace, Dennis, Edith, Frank, Georgie, Harold

Allie (6-0-2)
Allie victories
Allie is undefeated
Billy (4-1-4)
Billy victories
Allie: 7
Billy: 5
← Billy losses
Dennis (4-2-2)
Dennis victories
Billy: 12
Dennis: 7
Allie: 19
Dennis: 5
← Dennis losses
Edith (3-3-2)
Edith victories
Dennis: 7
Edith: 5
Billy: 12
Edith: 12
Allie: 19
Edith: 5
← Edith losses
Candace (2-2-6)
Candace victories
Edith: 5
Candace: 19
Dennis: 12
Candace: 12
Billy: 17
Candace: 7
Allie: 19
Candace: 5
← Candace losses
Frank (2-5-0)
Frank victories
Candace: 19
Frank: 5
Edith: 19
Frank: 5
Dennis: 19
Frank: 5
Billy: 12
Frank: 5
Allie: 19
Frank: 5
← Frank losses
Georgie (1-4-4)
Georgie victories
Frank: 17
Georgie: 7
Candace: 12
Georgie: 12
Edith: 17
Georgie: 7
Dennis: 12
Georgie: 7
Billy: 12
Georgie: 7
Allie: 12
Georgie: 12
← Georgie losses
Harold (0-5-4)
Georgie: 19
Harold: 5
Frank: 17
Harold: 7
Candace: 12
Harold: 12
Edith: 12
Harold: 7
Dennis: 12
Harold: 5
Billy: 12
Harold: 12
Allie: 19
Harold: 5
← Harold losses
"Victories" and "losses" sometimes aren't displayed in the expected location when there are ties and/or cycles in the results, but the numbers provided should be accurate.

IRV table

commaSeparated2021 IRV table permalink:

Round 1
Starting ballots: 24
Exhausted ballots: 0
Overvotes: 12
Counted ballots: 12
Minimum plurality: 7
TIE(†): Allie, Billy, Candace, Dennis, Edith, Harold
Allie: 0
Billy: 0
Candace: 0
Dennis: 0
Edith: 0
Frank: 5
Georgie: 7
Harold: 0
† - This example employs a limited form "batch elimination", where a batch of multiple candidates who (in sum total) do not have enough remaining top preferences to defeat the next highest candidate in the rankings. †† - When a tie occurs, per the laws in the City and County of San Francisco and the laws in the state of Maine, the losing candidate for the round is randomly eliminated.

STAR results

commaSeparated2021 STAR results permalink:

(one star above is approximately 10 stars allocated by voters)
  • Total voters: 24
  • Total stars allocated: 522
  • First round:
    • #1: Allie received 88 stars from 19 voters
    • #2: Billy received 75 stars from 17 voters
    • #3: Candace received 72 stars from 24 voters
    • #3: Dennis received 72 stars from 24 voters
    • #4: Edith received 63 stars from 24 voters
    • #5: Georgie received 62 stars from 24 voters
    • #6: Frank received 49 stars from 17 voters
    • #7: Harold received 41 stars from 12 voters
  • Finalists:
    • Allie preferred by 7 of 24 voters
    • Billy preferred by 5 of 24 voters
    • No preference between the finalists: 12
  • STAR winner: Allie
