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auditor (PierceCounty_WA; 2009-11-03)

🔗 2009-11-03_PierceCounty_WA-auditor     (tags: { from-bolson , PierceCounty_WA-2009 , PierceCounty_WA , 2009-11 , 2009 )

Below is the ABIF from the "2009-11-03_PierceCounty_WA-auditor" election (auditor (PierceCounty_WA; 2009-11-03))

ABIF submission area (hide)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



The RCV/IRV results of 2009-11-03_PierceCounty_WA-auditor are below, and can be edited in the field above.

IRV table

2009-11-03_PierceCounty_WA-auditor IRV table permalink:

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Starting ballots: 153611
Exhausted ballots: 0
Counted ballots: 153611
Starting ballots: 153611
Exhausted ballots: 449
Counted ballots: 152713
Minimum plurality: 76357
Starting ballots: 153611
Exhausted ballots: 4238
Counted ballots: 145135
Minimum plurality: 72568
Write-In: 586 Write-In Write-In
Julie Anderson: 76406 Julie Anderson: 76474 Julie Anderson: 82964
Jan Shabro: 63427 Jan Shabro: 63460 Jan Shabro: 66409 (eliminated)
Will Baker: 13192 Will Baker: 13228 (eliminated) Will Baker
