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Board of Supervisors District 3 (SanFrancisco; 2015-11-03)

🔗 2015-11-03_SanFrancisco-Board_of_Supervisors_District_3     (tags: { from-bolson , 2015 , 2015-11 , SF , SanFrancisco_CA , CA , SanFrancisco-2015 )

Below is the ABIF from the "2015-11-03_SanFrancisco-Board_of_Supervisors_District_3" election (Board of Supervisors District 3 (SanFrancisco; 2015-11-03))

ABIF submission area (show)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



The STAR results of 2015-11-03_SanFrancisco-Board_of_Supervisors_District_3 are below, and can be edited in the field above.

STAR results

2015-11-03_SanFrancisco-Board_of_Supervisors_District_3 STAR results permalink:



(one star above is approximately 828 stars allocated by voters)
  • Total voters: 17,554
  • Total stars allocated: 41,396
  • First round:
    • ★#1: AARON PESKIN received 18,905 stars from 10,175 voters
    • ★#2: JULIE CHRISTENSEN received 16,594 stars from 9,342 voters
    • ★#3: WILMA PANG received 5,897 stars from 5,175 voters
  • Finalists:
    • ★AARON PESKIN preferred by 8,913 of 17,554 voters
    • ★JULIE CHRISTENSEN preferred by 7,511 of 17,554 voters
    • ★No preference between the finalists: 1130
