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2021-Park-6-Cast-Vote-Record (Minneapolis; 2021-11-02)

🔗 2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Park-6-Cast-Vote-Record     (tags: { Minneapolis_MN , 2021 , from-bolson , 2021-11 , MN , Minneapolis-2021 )

Below is the ABIF from the "2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Park-6-Cast-Vote-Record" election (2021-Park-6-Cast-Vote-Record (Minneapolis; 2021-11-02))

ABIF submission area (hide)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



The pairwise diagram of 2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Park-6-Cast-Vote-Record are below, and can be edited in the field above.

Pairwise diagram

2021-11-02_Minneapolis-2021-Park-6-Cast-Vote-Record pairwise diagram permalink:

%3 Cathy Abene Cathy Abene 4-0-0 (4 wins, 0 losses, 0 ties) Barb Schlaefer Barb Schlaefer 3-1-0 Cathy Abene->Barb Schlaefer ← Cathy Abene: 10486 Barb Schlaefer: 7961 Bob Fine Bob Fine 2-2-0 Cathy Abene->Bob Fine ← Cathy Abene: 11621 Bob Fine: 8222 Risa Hustad Risa Hustad 1-3-0 Cathy Abene->Risa Hustad ← Cathy Abene: 10225 Risa Hustad: 8313 UWI UWI 0-4-0 Cathy Abene->UWI ← Cathy Abene: 14104 UWI: 131 Barb Schlaefer->Bob Fine ← Barb Schlaefer: 10558 Bob Fine: 8438 Barb Schlaefer->Risa Hustad ← Barb Schlaefer: 9672 Risa Hustad: 8673 Barb Schlaefer->UWI ← Barb Schlaefer: 13231 UWI: 141 Bob Fine->Risa Hustad ← Bob Fine: 9811 Risa Hustad: 9471 Bob Fine->UWI ← Bob Fine: 11077 UWI: 123 Risa Hustad->UWI ← Risa Hustad: 10990 UWI: 139
