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Simple example (Tennessee capitol)

🔗 TNexample     (tags: { theoretical , CondorcetVsIRV )

Below is the ABIF from the "TNexample" election (Simple example (Tennessee capitol))

ABIF submission area (show)

pairwise dot diagram?  pairwise table?  IRV results?  STAR results? 



The pairwise diagram of TNexample are below, and can be edited in the field above.

Pairwise diagram

TNexample pairwise diagram permalink:

%3 Nash Nash 3-0-0 (3 wins, 0 losses, 0 ties) Chat Chat 2-1-0 Nash->Chat ← Nash: 68 Chat: 32 Knox Knox 1-2-0 Nash->Knox ← Nash: 68 Knox: 32 Memph Memph 0-3-0 Nash->Memph ← Nash: 58 Memph: 42 Chat->Knox ← Chat: 83 Knox: 17 Chat->Memph ← Chat: 58 Memph: 42 Knox->Memph ← Knox: 58 Memph: 42
