Tag: 2014-11
- 1. 2014-11-04_SanFrancisco-Board_of_Supervisors_District_10
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1. Board of Supervisors District 10 (SanFrancisco; 2014-11-04)
🔗 2014-11-04_SanFrancisco-Board_of_Supervisors_District_10
Board of Supervisors District 10 (SanFrancisco; 2014-11-04). Derived from results obtained at bolson.org.
The remaining ABIF examples
Examples organized by tag
- 1. 2008
- 2. 2008-11
- 3. 2009
- 4. 2009-11
- 5. 2010
- 6. 2011
- 7. 2013
- 8. 2013-11
- 9. 2014
- 10. 2014-11
- 11. 2015
- 12. 2015-11
- 13. 2016
- 14. 2016-11
- 15. 2017
- 16. 2017-11
- 17. 2018
- 18. 2018-06
- 19. 2018-11
- 20. 2019
- 21. 2019-11
- 22. 2020
- 23. 2020-07
- 24. 2020-11
- 25. 2021
- 26. 2021-06
- 27. 2021-11
- 28. 2022
- 29. 2022-06
- 30. 2022-08
- 31. 2022-11
- 32. 2023
- 33. 2023-06
- 34. actual
- 35. AK
- 36. AlamedaCounty-2020
- 37. AlamedaCounty-2022
- 38. AlamedaCounty_CA
- 39. Alaska-2022
- 40. Burlington_VT
- 41. Burlington_VT-2009
- 42. CA
- 43. CondorcetVsIRV
- 44. debian
- 45. from-bolson
- 46. government
- 47. local
- 48. Maine-2018
- 49. Maine-2022
- 50. mayor
- 51. ME
- 52. ME_Primary-2020
- 53. Minneapolis-2013
- 54. Minneapolis-2017
- 55. Minneapolis-2021
- 56. Minneapolis_MN
- 57. MN
- 58. NY
- 59. NYC-2021
- 60. NYC-2023
- 61. NYC_NY
- 62. Oakland_CA
- 63. oakland_mayor-2010
- 64. orgpriv
- 65. Pierce_WA-2008
- 66. PierceCounty_WA
- 67. PierceCounty_WA-2009
- 68. Portland_ME
- 69. Portland_ME-2021
- 70. Portland_ME-2022
- 71. primary_election
- 72. san_francisco-2010
- 73. san_leandro_mayor-2010
- 74. SanFrancisco-2011
- 75. SanFrancisco-2014
- 76. SanFrancisco-2015
- 77. SanFrancisco-2016
- 78. SanFrancisco-2018
- 79. SanFrancisco-2019
- 80. SanFrancisco-2020
- 81. SanFrancisco-2022
- 82. SanFrancisco_CA
- 83. SanLeandro_CA
- 84. SF
- 85. SF_Mayor
- 86. SF_Mayor-2018
- 87. theoretical
- 88. USA
- 89. VT
- 90. WA
Also note
One may explore the tagged data on this website via the tag list on this site.
One may find other examples in both the abif repository test files and the abiftool repository test files.
The web version of abiftool is very restricted compared to the "abiftool" Python application:
See the "ABIF" electowiki article for more information about ABIF.